Wednesday, February 24, 2010

For Katie: 7 strange things about me

1.  I shake my head to get to sleep.  Have done so since I was a baby.  I don't do it all the time, but I still do it if I'm having trouble getting to sleep.

2.  I have unusually large feet.  If I was a dude, I would be hung.

3.  I love tomato sauce.  Love love.  I drown everything in it.  If there is nothing around to eat it on (carrot sticks will do) I will eat it with a spoon.

4.  I don't drunk-dial.  I drunk-shop.  Online.  Expensive dresses.  Impulse buy.  This is why Ricky cut up my card...

5.  Long after I finished school I found out that I was thought of by some people as a bully.  I had no idea!  Jesus, I really didnt know that anyone else cared what I thought about them.  Now when I think about it, i feel terrible!

6.  People ask me all the time what I am so happy about.  Huh?!  I think my blank expression is a smile.  Go figure.

7.  When I am really tired I sing.  I don't even realise I'm doing it.  Again, when I do this people comment that I must be really  happy about something.  I'm usually just really hungover and trying to keep myself awake.


  1. My feet are bigger than yours, dude. If we were boys my P would put yours to shame, I'm sure.

  2. ha ha ha ha ha ha truuuuuue! we would wear tight pants. tight like a tiger.

  3. Hahaha! You don't have abnormally big fit you're only one size bigger then me and you're taller then me.. HUNG hahahaha.

    Tomato sauce mm I'm like that with salsa or sweet chilli. I'd have it on breakfast cereal.

    Drunk shop ha oh geez that's fabulous
