Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Friday night recap

The story behind the photos (we should have taken so many more).

Ricky and Emma and I had drinks at our place and headed out. On the way, emma asks if i have invited Sam along. No, I say, because she isnt back from Htown until sunday. No, says Emma, she is back secretly! Well hello hello! Just so happens that she was hanging out across the road from the bar where we were right then, so we thought we had better go and inspect the situation. We arrived, yelling rape. We had drinks and tried to drag Sam out, but she was sick and would not be persuaded, despite our best efforts!

From there we stumbled to Lara and Finn's. Emma and I were pouring wine enthusiastically in the general facial direction.  Not being fussy.  It was getting messy. It was only 7.30.

Logan was at Finn and Lara's, when we arrived. More drinks. The Distillers were queued on the soundsystem. Cue also, pelvic thrusts and hoochie dancing. In all the enthusiasm my dress managed to split up above my arse. Weak as shit dress.  Didn't like it anyway.

This is the part where it becomes obvious that I am drunk.

Finn pops off to find me some safetypins to fix my dress (those crafty punks) but instead I wandered into Lara's room and took off my dress, and asked for a new one. Emma decided to take off her pants too. I have vague memories of this. Lovely Lara dressed me in new clothes, and even put some new shoes on Emma.

At this point we decided to line our tummies, and went to the Ponsonby food hall for dinner. I had a sweet giant garlic pita with hummus. but what? Tummy says no. This was one of those sickeningly dizzy i-don't-feel-so-good moments. Too much gravity. Tummy decided that it wasn't interested in food, and good ol' ricky helped me vomit my guts out in my new dress. In the loo, I might add. Well aimed.

Logan, sober driver, took me home. Thank god.

Emma however valiantly offered herself as stand in wife to Ricky (after Logan also left) and continued to soldier on to the gig, with Finn and Lara.

All I know is that the following hours involved:
Emma starting a fight to protect ricky.
The invention of the double Filet of Fish burger (a genius idea)


  1. Being your friend guarentees the most FUN ever :-D

  2. Guarantees MESS!
    Determined to make it out past 10pm this weekend!
